Finding Square Roots solution in C language - Codechef
Finding Square Root
Problem Code: FSQRT
In olden days finding square roots seemed to be difficult but nowadays it can be easily done using in-built functions available across many languages .
Assume that you happen to hear the above words and you want to give a try in finding the square root of any given integer using in-built functions. So here's your chance.
The first line of the input contains an integer T, the number of test cases. T lines follow. Each line contains an integer N whose square root needs to be computed.
For each line of the input, output the square root of the input integer, rounded down to the nearest integer, in a new line..
1<=N<=10000Example - Incorrect Withdrawal Amount (not multiple of 5)
Input: 3 10 5 10000 Output: 3 2 100
. . .
Solution in C.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
int t, a;
whilef(t--) {
int n;
a = sqrt(n);
printf("%d", a);
return 0;
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